Sophie von Hellermann

Sophie von Hellermann

Sophie von Hellermann is an artist based in Margate.


What artworks would you have/do you have in your drawing room?

My paintings, a sea scape by a 19th century painter, works by friends: Simon Popper, Matthias Lahme, Tamuna Sirbiladze, Thea Djordjadze, Dietmar Lutz, Josh Smith, Franz West, and by my children Lilibet and Pip Viner.


What books would you read/are you reading in your drawing room?

Too many books. Just read Rachel Cusk Trilogy, Outline, Transit and Kudos, before that Lincoln in the Bardo by George Saunders, Elmet by Fiona Mozley and Klaus Mann’s Der Vulkan. On the go I have Humankind by Timothy Morton, Book of Disquiet by Alberto Pessoa and some others!


What movies would you watch/are you watching in your drawing room?

I rarely watch movies, sometimes with the children Wes Andersen we all love his films.


What music would you listen to/are you listening to in your drawing room?

Mainly Radio 3! 


Who would you/do you invite into your drawing room?

All of the mentioned above and more!