Mathew Cerletty

Mathew Cerletty

Mathew Cerletty is an artist based in New York.


What artworks would you have/do you have in your drawing room?

Leonardo, Annunciation. The Ghent Alterpiece. Jasper Johns Green Target. For Bounding Dog by Elizabeth Murray. Pierrot by Watteau. A Gober Dollhouse. Bruce Nauman Self Portrait as a Fountain. Sunset, Long Island by Georgia O'Keefe. And the statue of Charlemagne that's in front of Notre Dame in Paris. 


What books would you read/are you reading in your drawing room?

Washington Post, NY Times, anything about Trump/Russia and the Mueller investigation. In my opinion we're in the middle of the most elaborate terrifying soap opera scandal of all time and not enough people are paying attention.


What movies would you watch/are you watching in your drawing room?

Everything by Stanley Kubrick he is my favorite. Also really looking forward to watching the World Cup.


What music would you listen to/are you listening to in your drawing room?

NPR? I barely listen to music and I feel guilty about it. Gettin old. Oh, I'm addicted to those asmr videos on youtube. Maria Gentle Whispering, lol. 


Who would you/do you invite into your drawing room?

Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Robert Mueller, Pep Guardiola, Missy Elliott, Errol Morris, Chelsea Peretti, Robert Gober, George Saunders, John Cale, Erin Rommel, Maggie Haberman, Tina Fey, David Lynch, The Dalai Lama and LeBron James.