
Kasper Bosmans

Kasper Bosmans is an artist based in Amsterdam and Brussels.


What artworks would you have/do you have in your drawing room?

Artworks from friends and my niece (2 y.o.). 


What books would you read/are you reading in your drawing room?

'Physiologus' in English
'The metamorphoses' by Ovid in English again and again and again
'The World of Interiors' 
The catalogue raisonné of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov
'En Finir avec Eddy Bellegueule' by Eduard Louis 
Any publication by Oey Tjeng Sit


What movies would you watch/are you watching in your drawing room?

Satyricon by Fellini again and again and again.


What music would you listen to/are you listening to in your drawing room?

Barely anything, I keep on forgetting to look for music. 


Who would you/do you invite into your drawing room?

Barbara Baert and Hans Belting,
Ilya and Emilia Kabakov,
my friends, 
and anyone who brings a dog or cat.